A mal tiempo buena cara

Trip to Slovenia

Trip to Slovenia

I spent my first day in Slovenia visiting the main monuments of the capital, Ljubljana, and taking some pictures. The street market close to the river, the Town Hall, the Cathedral, the Castle, the pavement cafés, some squares… From the castle you have beautiful views of the town. In the evening I returned to the castle to have dinner with my husband and his colleagues.

As I knew that I had seen most of the outstanding monuments in Ljubljana, I decided to go to Bled. This village is near the Alps. It is famous because of its enormous lake with an island in the middle. There is a castle on the rocks, if you go up you will enjoys the views of the lake. I covered walking the whole perimeter of the lake. I did not go to the island because I was not sure about the time necessary to go and come back to the village again and for sure I had to be in Ljubljana again at 19.30 hours to have dinner.

Next day I was visiting the museums of Ljubljana. Natural History, Archaeology, History of Slovenia and Painting. The National Gallery was totally devoted to Slovenian Impressionism. Obviously, if you do not like impressionism, you do not like the museum. Fortunately, I like it.

On Saturday we had an optional organized outing. For you to have an idea about the day, I tell you that we had to pay fifty pounds in advance.  The plan was: Guided tour in a limestone (karst) cave, visit a winery and tasting wines, visit a traditional Slovenian house in a very small village and a dinner in a restaurant. To be honest, the most interesting part of the excursion was the cave and, to make matters worse, we had to pay the ticket separately, that is, fourteen euros more.  The typical Slovenian house is very similar to the rest of the European houses. Ancient cutlery, embroidered tablecloths, crocheted work, cross-stitch, bobbin lace, well, the same you can find in most of the countries all over the world.

The last two days we visited one of the museums in Ljubljana and the Tivoli Park. We discovered a very amazing matter: an information booklet to support economically the beatification of the Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí. I took it, even though I do not understand the language, but I would have never imagined that the Slovenians could be interested in the beatification of Gaudi.

The journey was very tiring since our airport in England was London Stansted, therefore we have minimum five our driving to our home. But in general everything was worth.

2 comentarios

María -

Me uno a Azucena para felicitarte por el partido que sacaste de la visita. Es una gozada leer la descripción del viaje. Gracias de corazón por el tiempo que has dedicado a esribirlo, ha sido un placer leerlo

Azucena -

Me parece que has aprovechado el tiempo estupendamente.La foto es guapisima. ¡Qué curioso lo del folleto para apoyar la beatificación de Gaudí! Yo no se si beatificación, pero la verdad es que como a mucha gente a mi me encanta su obra. Como todos los genios, creo que andaba un poco tocado del ala, pero toda excentricidad se perdona, por eso, por su genialidad.Un besote.
P.D. Imagino que no estarás aquí para el dia del Pilar. Ya nos tomaremos unas papas bravas a tu salud, guapa.