A mal tiempo buena cara

Who reads me?

This is what I wonder.

Are my articles helpful? Do you find interesting the topics I mention? Do you find interesting my arguments?

I remember a very interesting blog that I used to read. One day, when I wanted to read it, I realized the writer had closed it and you needed an invitation to access. I can imagine the reasons the blogger had to make that decission. That person received many attacking comments because (his or her) readers in question did not agree with (his or her) opinions, considering them insulting. It was really sad for me that fact because I was keen on that blog,  I loved how the author explained everything.

Anyway, one thing is clear. If that person had problems with (his or her) blog, it was because many people read it.

And this leads me to the main point: WHO READS ME?

4 comentarios

Rocío -

Carolina, sigue escribiendo, me gusta mucho tu blog, creo que dices todas las cosas con mucha lucidez y además es muy variado. Además me gusta porque te conozco y sé que te muestras tal como eres, me encanta esa autenticidad.
un beso

Azucena -

Yo lo hago, es una manera de "hablarme" contigo, lo mismo que el facebook, es la manera de decirnos ey estoy aquí, como cualquier sábado cuando quedabamos en Bretón. Yo te leo todo, en inglés, en español, de religión (aunque no es mi fuerte), de tus vivencias. Un beso

mortiziia -

I sometimes do, though I'm not big on religion and wouldn't want to ruin your posts in English with my ill-timed remarks for the world.

Just for the record, there is life beyond 5 pm in the UK. Take Cambridge, with a population of scarcely 130,000. Most stores (clothing included, not just the odd Boots) will close between 7 - 9 pm, city centre supermarkets operate between 7/8 am - 10 pm and there's always a 24-hour megastore within cycling distance from your door. Rest assured I know things are different in smaller towns, but you're not getting the whole picture if you exclusively choose those to depict life in Britain.

Regards and keep it up! We're right on the other side of the screen.

Mariano -

I do!!!!!!
I know about other blogs they locked because comments didn't agree with the blogger. Wow, that's amazing, isn't it?
I'm really happy with my blog, I enjoy writting what I write but people are the judge.