A mal tiempo buena cara



I set off for my country!!!


I really want to see the international exhibition. I miss many things of my former life, particularly my activities apart from my job. My church team and my volunteering were the activities which most satisfy me. There is also a multicultural fair and the organization where I used to be volunteer is participating. I will help them.

I am also really glad to see my longtime friends again. I know very nice people in my current country and I am sure I will miss them when I leave it definitely. But the thing is… we are all foreigners, most of us are here “passing through” so sooner or later we will move back or away. Sometimes I feel as if my friends here are a “patch”. It is not difficult to know new people but in general it is difficult to meet them up on a regular basis therefore the ties are not usually strong. Anyway, if some of you read this, I have to say you “thank you very much” and I would like to carry you inside my suitcase.

1 comentario

Anónimo -

Me encantó volverte a ver otra vez. Parecía como si el tiempo no hubiera pasado, todos juntos, reunidos, charlando. Feliz regreso